Monday, January 2, 2012

Pdf-To-Speech 9

On January 1, 2012 Pdf-to-speech 8.5 was released. The update addressed a force-close that was happening when the phone comes off standby while playing a pdf file. The settings tab was improved to comply with Android setting's standards. This year, the pdf-to-speech app will receive additional bug fixes to improve stability on multiple Android phones.

For version 9 of the Pdf-to-speech, I would like to release an Intent-based extension of the app that will allow other Android app developers to turn multiple other document formats to speech using pdf-to-spech's engine (epub, oppenoffice, etc). I will be releasing the API's and documentation on how to do this as the work is done. In the mean time, I welcome interest and suggestions by fellow developers.


Aaron said...

I do not use this app at all. Please refund.

matthew said...

I love this app and plan to use it often. I know it cant be easy to be a devoloper of apps. Not getting the prais you deserve but instead getting complaints by 12 year olds. I am having an issue when loading pdf. Often it will get stuck loading or i will get an error. I have both ivona and svox installed and configured in the settings. I am using a HTC evo device. The type of .pdf i'm trying to load are very large. 300+ pages. I would be very happy if you could give me some tips, maybe i'm doing something wrong.
here is my email incase you want to email me instead: